Our philosophy:

Versus Evil is a publisher of games, bringing the works of independent game developers from around the world to all major consoles, PC & mobile platforms.

We are a champion for the indie game developer helping developers bring their creations to the world.

The VE advantage:

Versus Evil is a full service publisher that can provide development funding, marketing / PR support, and publishing support on every platform.

We have our own in-house localization and QA which helps keep our costs below other publishers.

We also have our own publisher platform that offers tremendous multiplayer and telemetry functionality.

What we’re looking for:

Versus Evil is always on the lookout for new titles that bring a fresh perspective to video games.

We’re intrigued by games with amazing art and specialize in games with RPG or Strategy elements, particularly if they have a great story.   However, we’re most interested in titles that are unique, regardless of the genre.

How to pitch us:

Send us an email

Things to include:

  • Studio/Developer Credentials
  • High Level Game Description and Features
  • Platforms
  • Where the game is in the development cycle
  • What make your game different and how it stacks up against titles in the same genre
  • Gameplay Video
  • Playable Build (if possible)
  • Expected time and cost budget
  • What you’re looking for from a publisher including Funding Request